Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Good morning friends! I remember my father on this his birthday. Dad would be 96 today if still living. He died however in 1992 at the age of 80 from a massive heart attack. He had heart disease for many years before that December day when he left this world. This morning as I was drinking my coffee and looking out my living room window I thought of this and the overnight thawing of the Mississippi River. Yesterday it was still mostly frozen but this morning it was mostly thawed and once again I could enjoy watching its flowing force! Ah Spring is close! As I thought of my father and that river I remembered Jesus’ words of frustration and warning to the disciples following the resurrection. In Mark’s gospel we read that Jesus rebuked them for their hardness of heart and lack of faith. He told them they had heart disease! (Pharaoh’s condition) It happens and can happen to any of us – our lives hardened by the realities and disappointments of life, hardened – closed – made cold – to the point we become apathetic and no longer engaged through a faith that believes change is possible or that we can make a difference in someone’s world. (a lie from the pit of hell) The work of the Spirit is to speak truth to and open our hearts, soften our hearts, warm our hearts – make them human again….Perhaps the best definition of salvation I can think of is that it is the recovery and restoration of our fallen distorted & disfigured humanity. Pope John Paul II said: “The worst prison would be a closed heart.” Brothers and sisters lets not spend our (birth) days in prison – in hiding, closed in on ourselves. Rather let us encourage one another in our common humanity and become thawed flowing forces for the Lord and the world that he loves!......... Happy birthday dad! Blessed week all…….one on the journey with you,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff/ chad

I talked with Bill this morning and he is going to start giving me his prayers. when and how do you want me to post them on the blog?
