Tuesday, November 25, 2008

On the News Tonight!

Dear Calvary family – a quick note to encourage those of you in town to watch channel 9 news tonight – They are running a story on Gabe Rodreick and our Christmas Concert next Friday.  Our concert is a benefit for this wonderful young man……the story should run at 9:45PM.  Blessings to all

Pastor Jeff

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Calvary family and friends! I write to wish you all a very meaningful Thanksgiving this year.  I am reminded of a famous quote by Meister Eckhart; “If the only prayer you ever pray is ‘Thank You’, that will suffice”. We all have much for which to utter those gracious and humble words….even in uncertain and difficult times like these….


On a related note I want to say I struggled mightily on Sunday in trying to do justice to Jesus’ words on the kingdom of God found in Matthew 13.  As you know Jesus called the professional class of religious leaders in his day “blind guides”.  Sometimes I feel like one myself.  I have sought to uncover what he said was “hidden from the learned and the wise” and have come to believe that that which is hidden, is so, because we tend to overlook the obvious and the everyday.  Sometimes I make difficult what is really not that hard to understand.  The “buried treasure” and “pearl of great price” for which everything is sold to obtain are the relationships in our lives; with the Lord, our loved ones, our neighbors and friends.  Of course, however, one of the challenges of the parables center around asking ourselves with whom and why we are in meaningful relationship and with whom and for what reasons we are not. Who occupies our “everydays”? or “a lot of days?” or at least “some of our days”?  Who are we branches and birds (mustard seed parable) with and for?


My favorite image of the kingdom of God is the great banquet (Thanksgiving feast!)  Jesus sends workers out to invite the “poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame” because he wanted his “house full”.  He invites those for whom the “house of God” (the Temple) was not hospitable to or welcoming of…..in fact hostile towards.  I wonder who I really don’t care too much about?  The hostility of indifference……..


That famous comedian Phyllis Diller on commenting about Thanksgiving said; “My cooking is so bad my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor”.

Whether fabulous or just ok I hope your share meaningful time with those you love this week.  And one of my prayers is that we come to love more of those who do not yet love due to a lack of relationship.  Let us fill our “houses” and for sure let us work to fill our Lord’s!  I am but one on the journey with you, glad and joyful that Jesus eats with sinners…..Happy eating everyone!


Pastor Jeff




Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sometimes a Branch, Sometimes a Bird

"The kingdom of heaven is like man who sowed good seed in his field;"
Matt. 13:24b

This is a continuation of the series through Matthew. The sermon is available through download, rss feed (podcast), or you can click here to stream it off the web.

embedded link for podcast.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Tree and Its Fruit

". . .for a tree is known by its fruit."
Matt. 12:33b

This is a continuation of the series through Matthew. The sermon is available through download, rss feed (podcast), or you can click here to stream it off the web.

embedded link for podcast.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

True friend

Hello All! I came across a quote in my studies today that I thought was particularly good.  It is from William Arthur Ward.  I share it with you as encouragement and challenge!

“A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities.”  Hope you have a wonderful day – thank you for your friendship!

Pastor Jeff