Thursday, September 25, 2008

Autumn Assurance

Greetings friends and family! The other night Randi and I were walking home and the full moon was rising over the Mississippi.  It is always a grand sight indeed.  We were leaving our neighbors down the street.  He makes his living as a financial guru and was especially nervous given the realities that our nation has been confronted with. (His short answer to my question regarding how we got in this mess was that without proper regulations greed took over) In my somewhat philosophical way, and not really understanding the complexities of the financial markets, I assured him that regardless of what happened the moon would still rise the next day.  It got me thinking….


What are we sure of? What can we really count on?  Where do we place our trust?  I was also reminded of the power of the question found in Psalm 8 that is quoted in the book of Hebrews; “When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast established; what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou dost care for him?”  The author of Hebrews connects this question with the purpose of the incarnation or the coming of Jesus into our world. Basically he/she states; in order to existentially understand human pain and suffering and thereby become a high priest who is able to help in such times….. and to liberate us from the bondage of the fear of death.  I have no idea what will happen to our banks or markets or retirement accounts.  But what I do have an idea about is that there is somewhere else that calls for and invites our hopes and investments.  Jesus called it the Kingdom of God.  For me that is most easily understood as a relational culture that is far different than the culture of empire; (most prominently displayed these days as greed and selfishness)  Trust and seek Him and his kingdom and you will be able to sleep at night!  Invest your money and energies in others and you will have a family of brothers and sisters from around the world….and there will be enough!


On another note; isn’t this a fabulous time of year?  “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower!” (Albert Camus)  I hope that you and yours will take the time to drink in the colors and smells and temperature drops of Fall.  Take the time to watch the leaves turn!  Eat some pumpkin pie.  Buy a mum. Look at the stars through branches becoming bare. Tell someone that the moon will rise again and that your life is in the hands of the One who created it all. Drop someone a card with a photo of some corn stalk on the front (or whatever photo is on it!) Go for a walk. Invite someone over for a cup of coffee or glass of wine.  As Mike Tice the former Viking coach once said; “Enjoy the season!”


Please consider visiting us in worship as we are journeying together through the gospel of Matthew if you haven’t been here in awhile.  We would be honored! 

Blessings…….I am but one on the journey with you.

Pastor Jeff

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Your Journey

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
~Matthew 10:16

This is a continuation of the series of Matthew. The sermon is available through download, rss feed (podcast), or you can click here to stream it off the web.

embedded link for podcast.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you."
~Matt. 9:22

This is a continuation of the series of Matthew. The sermon is available through download, rss feed (podcast), or you can click here to stream it off the web.

embedded link for podcast.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Your Sins are Forgiven!

When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to men.
~Matthew 9:8

This is a continuation of the series of Matthew. The sermon is available through download, rss feed (podcast), or you can click here to stream it off the web.

embedded link for podcast.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Summers last Wadi Eschol

Greetings all.  For those of you in town I would like to invite you to our last Wadi Eschol of the summer season.  We will be meeting at Merlins Rest Irish Pub on 36th Ave and East Lake Street tomorrow (Wednesday) from 7:30pm-9:00PM.  I will be sharing an introduction on the thought of Walter Rauschenbusch; a Baptist who became known as the Father of the Social Gospel.  Appetizers on Calvary, beverages on you! Hope you can come…..

Pastor Jeff