Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day!

Greetings friends on a beautiful Spring afternoon.  As you know this weekend we will recognize Mother’s Day on Sunday. I am certain that the card shops and florists are very busy!  It’s a wonderful time of course to reflect on our own mother’s and perhaps more importantly on the qualities of our own lives and maybe even how the Scriptures refer to God as one like a mother who “comforts her child”.  There sure is need for God’s comfort to be shared and experienced in this world…… and that reminds me that the Apostle Paul encourages us to “seek and pursue” opportunities to speak words of comfort. (I Cor. 14)


“Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of Children”.  This quote is from English novelist William Thackeray.  I find it to be a beautiful and warm statement.  The other day I was at my youngest daughter’s softball game.  Her team destroyed their opponents.  After the game however both teams exchanged cheers for the other and made those “locked hands tunnels” that the other team runs through. I said to a nearby parent; “The world would be a better place if it were run by 8th grade girls”. He agreed.  Maybe they know something of God that adults too often forget….


One of the things I speak often about here at Calvary is the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders of his day.  He calls them actors and a whole lot worse.  It appears as though they were full of themselves often and thought more highly of themselves than the common folk who they thought should serve them and their systems.  Well there is an old Spanish proverb that states; “An ounce of mother is worth a ton of priests”.  I think that Spanish Proverb person understood something!!  I know where I stand in the economy of God…..!


Being a mother of course is more than biology.  “A mother is a person who seeing there are only 4 pieces of pie for 5 people, promptly announces she never did care for pie”. (Tenneva Jordon) Mothers make everyday sacrifices in a mosaic of ways for their children.  I remember my generous mother, my children’s wonderful mother and all those of you who are mothers with deep gratitude today.  I cheer you on!  Yours is a uniquely holy calling.


Some of course did not receive the gift of a loving mother for whatever reason.  We do not judge but recognize the realities of our world.  To you especially but certainly to all of us I want to encourage you with this last word that comes from Psalm 27; “If my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will take me up!”   There is only one perfect parent!  “Your face, Lord, do I seek”….. one on the journey with you!

Pastor Jeff



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