Monday, April 21, 2008

Your Help & Ideas

Dear friends! “In the late seventies, the First Baptist Church of Minneapolis founded a Teaching Mission in the vicinity of 26th Street and Blaisdell Avenue.  In 1883, it became the Calvary Baptist Church.  Since that time, hundreds of the finest people have entered its portals, contributing time, service and money to make it one of the most prominent and friendly churches in the state of Minnesota.”  This statement comes from the 75th Anniversary brochure of Calvary. (May 1958)  I guess that makes us some of the “finest people”!!! (yes some of you who receive this from me have never even been here – but I consider you family anyway!)  Well its 50 years later now and Calvary will be turning 125 years young next month.  It takes a creative and courageous faith to start a church and we are indebted so much to those who sacrificed long ago.  Now I am asking you for your help.  I would greatly appreciate your “creative and courageous ideas” for Calvary as she moves into this significant year.  For those of you at Calvary please give me some feedback on what you would like to see at Calvary or as a part of our movement of people.  For my friends who aren’t here please give me some feedback on what you think is important for a church to be about and any ministries “out there” that inspire you to love God and neighbor in tangible ways.  By clarification please do not include any physical improvements to our facilities.  We have a plan for that – addition of a handicap ramp, improved parking lot, exterior lighting and signage and new windows in the day care center.  In addition to these improvements we need to pay off a $50,000 loan for the kitchen remodel of 5 years ago. ( I figured out the other day that 18,750 meals have been served out of the kitchen to the homeless in those 5 years and at least 2000 meals to neighborhood youth in the COOL after school program.)  Please if you would shoot me your ideals and dreams for Calvary.  I will be indebted to you!  Hope you have a fantastic week! On the journey with you – Pastor Jeff

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