Friday, March 21, 2008

March Madness

Hello Maundy Thursday friends. Hasn’t it been an amazing week – the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, a candidate running for the presidency of our country making a major speech on the tragic 300 year history of race relations that still flows in our blood even if it does not always flow consciously in our brains and hearts, the collapse of a major financial institution, the official arrival of spring, the NCAA college basketball tournament start and of course the pilgrimage of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday I mentioned that the narrative preceding Jesus’ non violent siege of Jerusalem records an incident as he is leaving Jericho – two blind men cry out seeking sight- “Let our eyes be open!” I also mentioned that as Jesus approaches the city he weeps and states the reason; “the path of peace is hidden from your eyes”. He was often so very critical of those in leadership and called them “blind guides”. I don’t think Jesus’ days and ours are much different do you? What are we not seeing or refusing to see or are afraid to see? The anger in people of color? The 1.7 billion we spend each day on our defense budget? The greed of the financial institutions that invest our money? The donkey riding, foot washing Messiah who marches on Jerusalem from the east while Pilate and his massive show of force enter the city from the west? The crowds intoxicated on the nectar of nationalism crying out to be saved? I think it very clear that “salvation” (only once mentioned on the lips of Jesus) comes to Zacheaus also in Jericho when his eyes are opened and states; “half of what I have I will give to the poor and if I have cheated anyone I will repay them 4 times”. What am I not seeing? Who am I not seeing? These are the questions of Holy Week for me and I cry out for salvation.

March Madness begins today as basketball teams will be competing on the hardwood courts of our countries 4 regions. Pitt will be the next national champion!!! (I’m blind I know) I invite you to remember and reflect on a different madness – that Jesus was hung on the hardwood of a Roman cross outside the city in a garbage heap called Golgotha. If you are free and able I would love to have you come to our Good Friday service which begins at 8:00PM. If not I hope you will take some time to ponder its meaning for you and for us as a nation and as a global community. And oh yea remember what Mark Twain said about the arrival of Spring; “In Spring I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside 24 hrs”. Its not really going to snow tonight is it………… on the journey with you. – Pastor Jeff




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there jeff. reading your blog from here in california. :) keep it up. i enjoy your insights as always. it was good to be able to stop in and see everyone this past december. happy easter.

jen hub